Fractional laser rejuvenation

What problems does fractional laser skin rejuvenation

The appearance of skin aging is the appearance of wrinkles, enlarged pores and a loss of skin's youthful feeling. The aging process in the early stages is barely manifested, and therefore, does not attract much attention, but at the age of 25 the first signs of withering appear: hair loss, texture changes. Then the skin gradually becomes thinner - blood vessels are visible, areas of hyperpigmentation appear.

To restore skin's youthfulness, just removing visible signs of aging is not enough - it is necessary to restore the active functioning of cells, the natural mechanisms of innovation and growth. of them. This way, the skin will not only return to a youthful look, but actually become younger. The cosmetology industry made a real breakthrough in 2004, when fractional photothermal was introduced to treat age-related skin changes. This technology has been proven and clinically tested - proven effective in correcting wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

Practical application also shows that fractional photovoltaic is easily tolerated, safe and highly effective in removing cosmetic defects and returning to youth. Today, it is one of the most reliable and promising skin rejuvenation and firming methods, recognized as the "gold standard" in tackling aesthetic problems. In addition, it is a modern and safe alternative to surgical skin lifting.

The course of the procedure, the patient's feelings

laser fractional rejuvenation

An indispensable and pleasant advantage of the fractional photovoltaic procedure is painless - just the use of a surface anesthetic is necessary, while the sensation is limited to mild tingling in the area. are treated with the laser beam.

Anesthetic is applied before the start of the treatment session, which lasts for an hour - the time varies depending on the size of the surface to be treated.

The specialist performing the procedure immediately after completion will advise the patient, lubricate the skin and give detailed instructions on how to care.

It should be noted that no special medical care is required for the skin and you can go home on your own.

Recovery time

If the previous surgical intervention needed a long recovery time, fractional laser skin rejuvenation did not take long: it only took less than a week to return to a normal rhythm of life: time depends on the directionmethod of intervention (dissect, not dissect). During the first two days after the procedure, the skin may be slightly swollen, on day 2-4, redness, and on day 4-7, dead cells begin to peel off, giving healthy and beautiful skin free to breathe and grow. development.

You can be sure that the fractional photothermal process makes your skin look younger very quickly - after exposure to the ablation method, the skin is tightened almost immediately, and in general, afterweek, wrinkles start to fade, brighter skin skin texture improves, oval face becomes clearer. In order to consolidate and maximize the results, a number of procedures are needed - they are carried out with time differences of about a month.

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation lasts up to six months after all processes are finished, and the effect lasts several years. In many ways, results are determined by the lifestyle the patient follows - following a doctor's prescribed youthful skin care program that visibly slows down the aging process.

Combine with other rejuvenating methods

Many patients, wanting to enhance the effectiveness of rejuvenation, want to combine fractional laser rejuvenation with the use of fillers and botulinum toxin injection. In this case, there are no contraindications - special studies have confirmed the safety of the effect of fractional lasers on collagen and hyaluronic fillers. For those who want to do both laser skin rejuvenation and Botox injections on the same day, there are no restrictions, but for the maximum rejuvenating effect, the rejuvenation regimen should be completed first. fractional laser skin chemistry. . Most likely, the resulting effect will not need any extra effort to restore the beauty and youthfulness of your skin.

Contraindicated for the procedure

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation should not be performed if there are general contraindications to treatment:

  • Benign and malignant tumors in the treated area.
  • Cancer, radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Blurred skin in the area of the procedure, bruises due to light.
  • Family history of vitiligo.
  • Herpetic infection in the previous month.
  • History of keloids.
  • Acute infectious diseases or impaired immunity.
  • Chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic connective tissue disease, blood clotting disorders, thromboembolic disease. )
  • Tanned or tanned fresh in the previous month.
  • Use oral retinoids in the past 6 months or use topical retinoids in the past 2 weeks.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Mental illness.

If you have contraindications, you should temporarily abstain to ensure safety, fractional laser vaginal rejuvenation is completely safe.